Welcome to the Business Office of Nyack Public Schools
Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Enrique Catalan 845-353-7034
Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Contact the Business Office
Marie Prats - 845-353-7033 mprats@nyackschools.org
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Carol Mayewski - 845-353-7022 cmayewski@nyackschools.org
Madeline Planamenta - 845-353-7025 mplanamenta@nyackschools.org
Accounts Payable
Jean Clancy - 845-353-7026 jclancy@nyackschools.org
845-353-7024 transportation@nyackschools.org
Audited Financial Reports as of 6/30/2024
Audited Financial Reports as of 6/30/2023
NYS Office of the State Comptroller Technology Audit-2/15/2022
Audited Financial Reports as of 6/30/2022
Audited Financial Reports as of 6/30/2021
Budget Information School Year 2021-2022
Audited Financial Reports as of 6/30/2020
Report of Reserve Funds 6-30-2021
Understanding Your School Taxes
How Your School District Tax Rate Is Determined: Nyack UFSD is a split district meaning that the burden of the tax levy is shared by both Town of Clarkstown and Town of Orangetown. The portion of the tax levy allocated to each town is based on the ratio of assessed values to the total market values of each municipal segment. An equalization rate is necessary in NYS to determine a municipality’s level of assessment (LOA). The simple ratio is the Total Assessed Value divided by Total Market Value. The LOA is determined by NYS (Albany). The assessor is required by law to state the municipal LOA on each year’s assessment roll. ORPTS (Office of Real Property Tax Services) reviews the work of the assessor and determines if the equalization rate is reasonable.
Each year in the month of July, the assessor for Town of Clarkstown and Town of Orangetown send a letter to Nyack UFSD. This letter states the Equalization Rate in addition to the total Assessed Value and total Taxable Value of all Homestead and Non-Homestead properties. The school district uses the information in this letter to determine each town’s share of the tax levy. The total tax levy is determined by the budget approved in May of each year which is offset by state aid, reserve funds, and fund balance.
Resolutions approved by the Board of Education for Nyack Public Schools to establish the tax rates for the school years 2022-23 and 2023-24 are itemized in the link, below, for comparison. For school year 2022-23, the percent change in homestead and non- homestead rates for Town of Clarkstown was lower than Town of Orangetown. For school year 2023-24, Town of Clarkstown’s increase was higher than Town of Orangetown.
Two Year Tax Rate Comparison for Nyack Public Schools
Click on the following link for more information on the NY State Equalization Rate and how it relates to your school tax rate: Understanding the Equalization Rate.
Request for Proposal: School Physician School Year 2025-26
Request for Bid: Sanitation Collection and Recycling Services School Year 2025-26
Request for Proposal: Occupational Therapy (OT) Services School Year 2025-26
Request for Proposal: Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA) Services School Year 2025-26
Request for Bid: Nyack Middle School Site Improvement
Request for Proposal: On-Site Technology Support Services