Online Registration for the Nyack School District:
INCOMING KINDERGARTNERS: Registration will be OPEN for the 2025-26 school year starting January 27, 2025 for children who turn 5 years of age by December 1, 2025.
1. Please Click Here TO REGISTER if your child is: 1) Entering Kindergarten in September; 2) New to the District; 3) Returning to the Nyack School District after attending school outside our district; 4) A preschooler who registered to receive special education services but is now eligible for Kindergarten; or 5) Request for preschool evaluation.
2. Parents/guardians must create an INFINITE CAMPUS account to register. In order to safeguard the health and well-being of your children, place them in the most appropriate program and conform to NYS law and District policy, we will need certain information and records. The District has secure, online enrollment through INFINITE CAMPUS.
3. Once you have registered online, you must call 845-353-7038 to make a mandatory appointment with Susie Mena, the District Registrar to complete the enrollment process.
The District's Registrar Office is located at 13A Dickinson Avenue, Nyack, NY 10960
Contact the District Registrar: (845) 353-7038
- 1) to schedule an appointment to enroll the student(s)
- 2) to ask about the District’s residency requirements
- 3) to find out about the McKinney Vento Act (refer to Housing Questionnaire)
Si necesita la informaciόn traducida en Espaňol, llame a Yesenia Polanco (845) 353-7042.
Si ou bezwen enfὸmasyon tradui an kreyὸl, rele Jocelyne Abraham al (845) 353-7044.
Universal PreK & Statewide Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten
We are now accepting applications for UPK 2025-2026 school year.
Applications for 2025-26 Universal Pre-Kindergarten(UPK) and Statewide Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten are available here:
Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) and Statewide Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten are special early childhood programs that were established by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and contracted by School Districts to provide an early learning experience for the children of eligible families.
- Families who live within the Nyack Public School District with children who will be four years old by December 1, 2025 (born between December 1, 2020, and December 1, 2021) are eligible.
- This early childhood program is conducted with qualified teachers and an assistant in every class at no cost to families.
- Children in UPK attend five (5) half days for 2½ hours each day; children in Statewide Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten attend five (5) days a week for 5 hours each day for 180 days per school year.
- Proof of age eligibility and residency will be required for registration.
- Proof of Eligibility
- A duly certified transcript of a birth certificate filed according to the law, or a duly certified transcript of a record of baptism, giving the date of birth; or, if not available
- A passport showing the date of birth of the minor; or, if not available
- Other documentary evidence or other recorded evidence in existence two years or more, and satisfactory to the certifying officer, except an affidavit of age
- Proof of Residency - Two documents showing proof of residency. Examples: Lease, contract, deed, utility bill (water, cable, Orange and Rockland, etc.)
UNACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS as proof of residency are handwritten envelopes, magazine covers, termination notice for utility bills and income tax returns.
- Completed Applications and required documents must be returned to the District Registrar at:
- Nyack Public Schools Central Registration, 13A Dickinson Avenue, Nyack, NY 10960
Nyack Public School District will review copies of the original completed applications and verify eligibility. If more requests are made than NYSED has funded, a lottery will be used to select children to participate in the UPK and Statewide Full-Day Prekindergarten program. Children will be considered for the lottery if the complete application, proof of age eligibility, and proof of residency are on file with this office. Children will be placed according to parent choice, if possible. If you are selected for the program, additional documentation will be required within 60 days of the beginning of the program.
Parents/Guardians will be notified by mail of the status of their child’s placement once slots have been filled.
FOR MORE INFO OR ASSISTANCE CONTACT: Susie Mena, District Registrar (845) 353-7000
Registration Forms
Additional Forms, As Needed:
Required Documents for Registration
Please see the Housing Questionnaire, located under Registration Forms, to verify if you are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Act. The following documents are required and must be submitted at the time of your registration:
1. Documentation of Age – You will need to provide proof of age by providing one of the following:
A. An original or certified birth certificate or record of baptism giving the date of birth
B. Passport
2. Proof of Residency (details in the specified block on this page)
3. Report Card (most recent) from the school the student is currently enrolled. Note: for high school students, please provide a transcript with all grade levels attended as well as a schedule of current courses the student has taken within the current year. If applicable, please provide a copy of IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan.
4. Proof of Physical – Physical exam performed within the last 12 months by a physician is required for every new entrant.
5. Proof of Immunizations
The following may be required, as needed:
Parent(s) or Guardian(s) shall provide proper proof of parental relationship: The School District may require the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation to provide the School District with an affidavit either:
(1) indicating that they are the parent(s) with whom the child(ren) lawfully resides; or
(2) indicating that they are the person(s) in parental relation to the child(ren) over whom they have a total and permanent custody and control and describing how they obtained total and permanent custody and control (whether through guardianship or otherwise).
The School District may also accept other proof, such as documentation indicating that the child(ren) reside with a sponsor with whom the child(ren) has been placed by a federal agency.
Please contact the District Registrar for additional information or if you have any questions.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: In order for your child(ren) to attend Nyack Public Schools, you must be a resident of the School District
Section 210.45 of the Penal Law of the State of New York prohibits the making of a false written statement. Therefore, your statements contained in your registration application must be true and accurate. If the School District determines at any time that you are not a resident of the School District, your child(ren) will be excluded from the School District.
Si ou bezwen enfὸmasyon tradui an kreyὸl, rele Jocelyne Abraham al (845) 353-7044.
Si necesita la informaciόn traducida en Espaňol, llame a Yesenia Polanco (845) 353-7042.
Proof of Residency
Provide at least one item from Section A and two items from Section B, as per chart, below. This does not apply to McKinney-Vento recipients.
1. Copy of residential lease or proof of ownership of a house or condominium (i.e. mortgage or closing statement, contract of sales, lease agreement, deed, tax bill, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance)2. Residency Affidavit by third-party landlord, owner, tenant from whom the parent is renting3. Such other statement by third-party establishing parent(s) or person(s) in parental relationship showing physical presence in the school district* Residency Affidavit and Third-Party Residency Statement can be found under Additional Forms at the administration building |
1. Pay Stub2. Income Tax Forms3. Utility Bill (O&R, Cable, Telephone, Water, etc)4. Voter Registration Card5. Official driver’s license, learner ‘s permit or non-driver identification with current address6. Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (i.e. local social service agency, Social Security Administration) |