Food Service Program

Food Service Program Announcements

  • All students enrolled at Nyack Public Schools will be able to receive a FREE breakfast and lunch meal at school beginning December 1, 2023

    Dear Parent/Guardian:

    We are pleased to announce that all students enrolled at Nyack Public Schools will be able to receive a FREE breakfast and lunch meal at school beginning on December 1, 2023.

    This implementation is a result of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) expanding access to the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). CEP allows eligible schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs to offer school meals at no charge to all students.

    What does this mean for your child(ren) attending the school(s) identified above? Effective December 1, 2023, all students enrolled at Nyack Public Schools will receive meals at no cost to your household. 

    If you have any further questions, please contact us at (845) 353-7036.

    Susan Yom, Superintendent of Schools

    In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

    To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: 3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or

    fax:  (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or


    This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

    Lunch/Food Service
  • All kids eat for FREE this summer: NO REGISTRATION. NO ID REQUIRED. Breakfast & Lunch on weekdays with times and two locations as follows:

    Waldron Terrace  (July 1 through August 30, 2024)

         BREAKFAST:  8:OOAM - 9:30AM

         LUNCH:  12 Noon - 1:00PM


    Nyack Center  (July 1 through August 30, 2024)

         BREAKFAST:  9:00AM - 10:00AM

         LUNCH:  12 Noon - 1:00PM



    Lunch/Food Service
  • The following timeline is based on information provided by HMB Consultants who are facilitating and guiding committee meetings with Dr. Chan

    • October-December, 2023 - outreach via Food Bid Process Informational Meetings; development of FAQ and webpage resources for the general public
    • January, 2024 -  Gather list of things needed by the district for the bid specs 
    • February, 2024 - Look at changes. Potentially gather additional student input. Finalize the list for specs with Dr. Chan
    • March, 2024 - Include items for the contract utilizing NYSED new prototype for 2024/25
    • April, 2024 - Meeting with HMB Consultants and Dr. Chan to finalize the food bid contract and send specs to NYSED
    • May, 2024 - Publish legal notice to run for 24 hours minimum. 10 days after being published, open the bids. Send bid specs out to various companies. Hold vendor interest meetings
    • June, 2024 - Recommendation to the BOE:  Bid awarded to the lowest responsible bid
    • July, 2024 - Contract in place to (new) Food Service Provider
    Lunch/Food Service
  • An FAQ on the Food Service Bid process is being developed for the general public. Here is a preview of Q&A raised during these meetings:

    Q: What is the food service bid and how does it work?
    The food service bid is a one-year contract eligible to be renewed each year for a total of 5 years. After the fifth year which Nyack is in, you are mandated by USDA to solicit another Child Nutrition Bid.
    Q: What is incorporated into the bid?
    All areas that we customize for the district will be included. There will be a required 21-day breakfast and lunch menu, a specific labor schedule that will protect the existing staff members, Portion schedules, promotional schedules, and more.
    Q: Who is doing the interviewing for the Food Service Provider and is there any opportunity for the community or staff to be involved with that? Who does the hiring of the Food Service Provider?
    NY State law requires each district to award the contract to the lowest RESPONSIBLE bidder and there is no interview process. HMB Consultants will review each response and make a recommendation to the BOE for an award.
    Q: What are the required food/menu components by NYS and the federal government?
    Please see the attached Final Rule Standard that identifies the requirements.
    Q: What is contract compliance and how is quality control enforced?
    HMB has been engaged by the district to perform contract compliance. HMB will devise a checklist from the contract and the USDA requirements and will be onsite once per month to ensure contract compliance.
    Q: What are the Rule Nutrition Standards and when are they updated?
    They are updated annually if needed. In 2024-25 there are new restrictions to the sodium and sugar levels that can be offered. See attached.
    Q: How can we ensure that we are getting the best quality food daily?
    By including schedules that require items such as Boars Head deli meats and whole muscle meat chicken will be put in the bid.
    Q: What is CEP and when can we expect that to be implemented in NPS?
    The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a meal service option for School Food Authorities (SFA) and schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without the burden of collecting household applications. Based on the data for our district, Nyack Public Schools has submitted an application to NYSED. Pending approval, our community will be notified. This approval should allow for free meals on January 1st at the latest.
    Q: How will CEP work regarding any family owing money to the food service?
    Any outstanding monies owed by families for food service are owed to the district.
    Q: Will filling out a Free & Reduced Meals form still be required for data collection and eligibility?
    We want people to continue to fill out the annual Free and Reduced Meals form because the data collected is used for other funding purposes each year.
    Q: What will the fees be for snacks and will they be impacted by CEP?
    Snacks are not a part of the CEP. The listing of prices for snacks, as a la carte items, will be included in the bid.
    Q: What are the childhood nutrition guidelines?
    All meals must follow the USDA guidelines. See attached guidelines
    Q: What are smart snack criteria?
    (pending link)
    Q: Will current food service staff be given the opportunity to keep jobs despite a change in management for a food service provider?
    In the bid, all employees who work for our current food service provider will be afforded the opportunity to stay with the new food service provider except for the Food Service Director.
    Q: What is the training for food service providers?
    Training is required to be performed by the FSMC for a minimum of 6 hours for all hourly employees and 12 hours for the Food Service Director.
    Q: Will the district require a food process company to have a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policy and will it be coordinated with us?
    We will request that the Food Service Management Company explain its DEI policy within its bid response.
    Q: Will the director and staff be required to take the Getting to the Root (GTTR) workshop in alignment with district policy?
    In the bid, the district will require the director and staff to participate in GTTR
    Q: Can the Food Service Director be a district employee?
    No. The Food Service Director will be an employee of the provider who wins the bid. However, the district will review resumes for the position of director and choose the applicant best suited for the district.
    Q: How much time is needed/recommended for students to eat meals?
    In general, 8-10 minutes seems to be an adequate amount of time
    Q: How are menus put together? How are the meals monitored so we ensure food standards?
    We will put together the initial 21-day menu, future menus should mirror those offerings.
    Q: How have the USDA standards changed? (high sodium, added sugar, whole grain) and are they incorporated into the food menu?
    The new changes will be identified in the new bid specifications and the FSMC must adhere to the regulations.
    Q: Can we move more to environmentally sound utensils?
    Yes, to be included in the bid - Compostable trays and utensils
    Q: Can we provide less sugar in breakfast offerings, less carbs/more protein?
    Yes, the sample menu to reflect these suggestions.
    Q: How do we choose/provide fresh fruits and vegetables?
    HMB will suggest many that have been well received in the many districts we have worked with in the past. Fresh melons, berries, grapes, etc. in Sept, Oct, and Nov, April, May & June. Fresh vegetables in all 10 months
    Q: What happens if the food service does not adhere to the food service guidelines?
    HMB -is being hired by the District to monitor the food service company. Nonadherence can result in financial penalties being issued by the district.
    Q: Can we do a wider student survey regarding items on the menu at some point in time?
    The FSMC must meet with the students during the school year, it’s in the contract, we suggest 2 - 3 meetings per year
    Q: What is the timeframe for the final bid?
    Late May/early June 2024
    Q: What kinds of promotions will be provided to educate and motivate students to make more healthy choices? (for example National School Lunch/holidays)
    Sample tasting during the year, maybe 5 per year in each school. This could include fresh vegetables, creatively prepared vegetables, and new fruits such as kiwi or starfruit. Also, periodic corporate chef visitations make presentations. Offering a sample display plate at the HS & MS will promote the entree and healthy good choices.
    Q: Are the meals culturally based?
    Consideration will be given to ethnic menu offerings based on the demographics of the district
    Q: What happens to the excess food?
    Students must be offered a full reimbursable meal with the necessary components. Students only need to take 3, 4, or all 5 components to minimize student plate waste.
    Q: What are the foods in the vending machines in our buildings? Are they managed by Aramark?
    No, the vending machines are recommended to be outsourced to a vending company that must adhere to the Smart Snack regulations.
    Q: How do service providers get invited to bid? What are the criteria?
    HMB knows of FSMCs and will send them the specifications, but anyone can request a set of specifications.
    Q: Will Aramark get an unfair advantage in bids due to prior contracts?
    Absolutely not, It’s a new set of specifications. Everyone will be on the same level playing field.

    Lunch/Food Service
  • Representatives were asked to serve on this short-term committee and attend Food Service Bid Process Information Meetings

    Food Service Bid Process Information Meetings are held in person and via Zoom at the following times: 

    • Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 10:15 am, Nyack High School Global Learning Commons (GLC)
    • Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 11:15 am, Nyack Middle School Global Learning Commons (GLC)
    • Friday, December 1, 2023 - 9:00 am in the Central Administration Office

    These meetings are recorded and will be posted for the public to view on the Food Service webpage after December 1.

    Lunch/Food Service
  • The Food Service Bid Process Committee was formed this fall. Committee members representing each school serve as ambassadors on this topic:

    The purpose of this group is to raise awareness and build consensus relating to the District's food service provider which is determined through a complex and comprehensive bid process mandated by the New York State Education Department.

    Participants will be introduced to the New York State and USDA rules & regulations regarding the food bid process. Facilitated by HMB Consultants, participants will be asked to provide feedback in guided discussion on concerns and questions they may have.

    Based on these discussions, a FAQ sheet will be developed for the general public.

    Letter from Dr. Chan RE: Food Service Bid Process Informational Meeting and Community Outreach

    Lunch/Food Service
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My Payments Plus

Manage your child's meals online with MyPaymentsPlus online payment plan for school lunches:  

  • Log into 
  • Deposit funds directly into an account using your student's ID number* (obtained from your child's school or report card.)
  • Monitor balances or your student's purchases
  • MyPaymentPlus charges a fee of 4.75% of the transaction amount each time a deposit is made.
  • Important Information about logging on with your child's student ID number:  All student passwords require 7-digits.  If your child's student ID number is less than 7 digits, you must enter zeros in front of the ID number when logging in.  For example, if your child's ID number is 1234, your password will be 0001234. 
  • MyPaymentsPlus account balances existing at the end of the school year may be rolled forward to the following school year.
  • Food service account balances cannot be transferred to or co-mingled with extra-curricular accounts in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Office of the NYS Comptroller.
  • Requests for food service account balance refunds should be emailed to the District Treasurer at  The request should include the name of the person to whom the check will be written and the address where the check will be mailed.  The request should also include the name and grade level of the student. 

The Board of Education recognizes that on occasion, students may forget to bring meal money to school. To ensure that students do not go hungry while also promoting fiscal responsibility, the Board will allow students who may forget meal money to “charge” the cost of meals to be paid back at a later date.  Please refer to the terms in Charging School Meals Policy 8505  which can be found in the ePolicy Manual located in the District home page "Board of Ed" > "Policies".

Breakfast & Lunch Menus



Breakfast     Desayuno

Lunch            Almuerzo  


Breakfast      Desayuno 

Lunch            Almuerzo   


Breakfast    Desayuno 

Lunch           Almuerzo  



Child Nutrition/Food Bid Process

12-1-23 Zoom Webinar: Food Service Bid Process Meeting 12-1-23

11-2-23 Zoom Webinar:  Food Service Bid Process Meeting 11-2-23

10-11-23 Zoom Webinar:  Food Service Bid Process Meeting 10-11-23

5-2-23 BOE Meeting Presentation: Child Nutrition Bid Overview

Contact Us

Join our Food Service Team

Contact Linda Ladolcetta, Whitsons Food Service Manager


Tel#  845-353-7152 

For information on Free & Reduced Meals, contact:

Pamela Hickey


Tel# 845-353-7036


Food Service Program

If your child is eligible for free or reduced meals, please be sure to fill out the application for 2023-24 and return to your child's school.

Only students and families approved for free and reduced meals will have their first breakfast or lunch meal free.  Second meals and ala carte items will continue to be charged accordingly. 

Children are automatically eligible for free meals if anyone in their household gets SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR benefits.  Families with Medicaid may also qualify, depending on their income.    Families are encouraged to fill out an application for free and reduced lunch.

Nondiscrimination StatementIn accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Children are automatically eligible for free meals if anyone in their household gets SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR benefits. Families with Medicaid may also qualify, depending on their income. To find out if your child is automatically eligible, please contact Denise Hogg at the phone number or email listed below. Families who are eligible must fill out an application for free and reduced lunch and return to the address listed below or to their child's school.

For additional information please contact:
Pamela Hickey, Secretary to the Director of Special Education
Nyack UFSD
13A Dickinson Avenue
Nyack, NY 10960

Additional information may be found at:

Do Not Get Stuck on Empty  (flyer)


Free & Reduced Meal Applications

Free & Reduced Meal Application Forms are now available in FILLABLE PDF format. Simply click on the form, fill it out electronically, download to your device and attach it to an email addressed to 

 Free and Reduced Meal Application SY 2023-24 

 Solicitud de Familia para las Comidas Escolares y Leche Gratis o Precios Reducidos SY 2023-24

 Aplikasyon Pou Mangi Ak Let Gratis Ou Pri Redwl Nan Lekol Yo SY 2023-24

The District still accepts hard copies as an option.  Please call 845-353-7036 with questions or if you need assistance.

Prohibition of Meal Shaming  

La Prohibición Contra la Humillación de Comida  

Lekòl Nyack UFSD la ap Ekzekite yon Plan Pou Entèdi Lawont nan Zafè Manje

 P-EBT Cards