District Vision
We are building bridges for today's students to cross into tomorrow's world with equity, innovation and optimism.
Embedded into the Profile of a Graduate of Nyack Public Schools are seven core competencies - Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Compassion, Content Mastery and Cultural Awareness.
Nurturing these competencies in each student begins at birth, extends into each classroom, and prepares students for success and wellness beyond graduation onto a global platform.
Mission Statement
We, the students, parents, community and staff of the Nyack School District VALUE: the pursuit of scholastic excellence; the richness of our diverse community; harmonious relationships among individuals and groups; partnerships among students, staff, parents, and community; respect for self, and others; responsible ethical behavior that engenders trust; individuals who think critically and creatively; ongoing involvement in local and global issues; development of essential skills and attitudes for a productive life; a safe and nurturing environment.
To embody these values, we ENVISION: A community, proud of its traditions, that uses the richness of its diversity to meet the needs of all students and prepare them for a rapidly changing world. In a spirit of collaboration, we provide an environment that fosters scholastic excellence, cultural appreciation, and ethical behavior. Nyack is a community of lifelong learners, encouraging new ideas to shape a positive future.
Guided by our values and vision, we will STRIVE to:
N urture a love of learning
Y ield positive outcomes
A ppreciate diversity
C are for each other
K eep on the path to excellence
Milestone Measures of Success
will enter Kindergarten ready
to learn and First Grade
ready to read.
will be reading on grade level
at the end of Third Grade.
will complete Grade 8
ready for high school.
will enter Grade 10 on track
to graduate high school.
will complete Grade 12
ON TIME and be ready
for college, vocational school
and/or the workforce.
will have access to explore,
create and be active participants
in their learning.
Our School Community
The District proudly serves an involved, innovative and unique school community. Nyack's rich blend of races, cultures, religions and socio-economic groups form a population mix that is both a genuine source of pride and valuable educational resource. The Nyack/Valley Cottage school community is truly a microcosm of the United States and thus provides both challenge and opportunity for focus on equity, innovation and optimism to benefit students, families, staff and the vast variety of sectors across the district. Community participation is invited for advocacy and accountability via task forces, planning committees, cultural activities and building level equity teams. Community forums, focus groups, monthly meetings and events provide consistent opportunities for engagement, both virtual and in-person.
All three elementary schools and the middle school have Family Resource Centers that have fostered a history of engagement and facilitate critical connections for families, students and staff. Community Liaisons specialize in outreach to families who speak Spanish and Haitian Creole. Partnerships with our local community-serving organizations and key stakeholders provide a network for building trust and relationships that support a common vision and ultimately shape a dynamic future for students and residents.
We are Nyack-Strong and RedHawks-Proud.
Demographics and Profile At-A-Glance
Enrollment Total as of June 2024: 2814
- White: 38%
- Latinx/Hispanic: 33%
- Black/African American or Caribbean: 15%
- Asian or Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 6%
- Multi-Racial: 8%
Average Class Size:
- (K-5) 21; (6-12) 24
Transportation Eligibility:
- 1 mile or more for students gr. K-8
- 1.5 miles or more for students gr. 9-12
Fiscal Facts:
- 2024-25 Budget: $106,980,784.00
- All students receive free lunch through NY State's Community Eligibility Program (CEP)
Achievement Highlights for 2024:
- 92% 4-Year Graduation Rate, Class of 2024
- 1:1 Computer Devices for 100% of K-12 students
- 19 Advanced Placement Courses; 106 AP Scholars in 2024
- National Merit Scholarship recipients
- NPS Dual Enrollment Program - 24 College Courses; 7 College Partners: SUNY Albany, SUNY RCC, STAC, Rochester Institute of Technology, Syracuse Univ., University of New Haven, Wentworth
- NYS Seal of Biliteracy Program- with students' demonstrated proficiency in at least 2 languages - 9 students in 2024
- 17 Athletic Teams - NYS Scholar/Athlete Team Awards (team members had combined academic averages of over 90%)
- National award-winning HS Literary & Art Magazine: Dimensions
- Celebrated Visual Arts Department and DaVinci Center for Film
- Global Learning Commons, fully renovated, state-of-the-art libraries with STREAM spaces, in all five schools
- About a third of staff and all BOE have attended Undoing Racism Workshop with The People's Institute for Survival & Beyond or Getting to the Root with Center for Safety and Change as part of the District's Racial Equity Plan
- National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) Digital Media Award for Distinguished Achievement: Strategic Plan for Excellence Through Racial Equity Visual Synopsis
Situated twenty miles north of mid-Manhattan, just over the Tappan Zee Bridge, the Nyack School District encompasses eight square miles of beautifully diverse culture and community. A primarily residential location in the lower Hudson Valley region of Rockland County, Nyack's approximately 23,000 residents live in six villages and hamlets: Central Nyack, Nyack, South Nyack, Upper Grandview, Upper Nyack and Valley Cottage.
Along the banks of the Hudson River, the District is distinguished not only by geographic proximity to New York City but also by a charming downtown area of shops and restaurants; small communities with local business owners; vibrant venues for music, visual and performing arts; two major shopping malls; picturesque park lands and hiking trails; a major hospital; a variety of housing options; and easy access to major transportation modes leading to a host of academic and cultural resources. Visit the Village of Nyack, "Art & Soul" of the Hudson, for more information.
Curriculum and Instruction
The District's Core Elements of Education are infused into classrooms and curriculum through joint commitment of administrators and staff in a growing effort to transform the educational experience of each and every one of our students. Through extensive educational, artistic, enrichment, and recreational opportunities each child is encouraged to become a well-rounded, enthusiastic learner. In all curriculum areas innovative, interdisciplinary, hands-on learning is emphasized. Visit our Curriculum & Instruction Department page.
Data Points and Highlights on Class of 2023 (full report to the BOE presented on 8-14-23):
● Of 2023 graduates, 94% of the class enrolled in post-secondary education (69.95% four-year colleges, 23.65% two-year colleges, 1% US military).
● National Merit and Achievement Awards for the Class of 2023: 4 students received National Merit Scholarship Letters of Commendation.
● NYS Seal of Biliteracy: 30 students received the NYS Seal of Biliteracy in formal recognition of having studied and attained a high proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.
● NYS Seal of Civic Readiness: 167 students received the NYS Seal of Civic Readiness in formal recognition of demonstrating the civic knowledge, skills, mindsets, and experiences necessary to become an actively engaged citizen.
● Total 2023 AP Scholars: 96 Students AP Scholar: 33 AP Scholar with Honor: 18 AP Scholar with Distinction: 45
● College Level Enrollment: 89% of 2019 cohort took 1 or more college level courses which includes AP, DE, PLTW, and RCC EA during high school.
To meet diverse student needs, staff provides a team approach for students with learning difficulties and the most able students are challenged by differentiated instruction and open enrollment in honors advanced placement courses. Our programs and initiatives bolster a long-standing commitment to intervention and support for universal student success. Students are encouraged to develop understanding in a globalized society that requires skills to make positive choices in areas of conflict resolution, bias awareness, substance and sexual abuse prevention, health-related issues, and diverse family structures.
A rigorous professional development plan and curriculum revision reflect Nyack's commitment to excellence, and alignment with New York State standards. In conjunction, effective teaching strategies are reinforced via ongoing staff training provided by both the District and Nyack's own faculty-run Teachers Center.
For Your Information
Gr. K-5: 8:50 AM – 3:20 PM
Gr. 6-8: 8:05 AM – 2:50 PM
Gr. 9-12: 7:30 AM – 2:15 PM
SCHOOL MEALS, both breakfast and lunch, are provided at NO CHARGE to all students through the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). Contact 845-353-7036 for more information. An online payment system is available for school a la carte via MyPaymentsPlus. Visit our Food Program page .
EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION enables families and staff to receive rapid phone calls, e-mails and text messages about important school matters and emergency situations. Help us by keeping our database current with correct contact information by calling 353-7038 with any changes to your account.
CLOSINGS/EARLY DISMISSAL The decision to cancel school is based upon the District’s regard for the safety of all students, walkers and those transported. Parents must have a plan of action to follow if schools must be closed early and no one is home. The District will report closings/delays via Robo calls by 6AM. Robo phone calls and emails are sent out to all District families and staff and announcements are posted to the alert bar at the top of the District's and each of the schools' sites.
PUBLIC RELATIONS & INFORMATION: Contact the Public Relations and Community Outreach Specialist, Lisa Mininger Retallack at 845-353-7013 for assistance. The office is located in the Central Administration Building, located at 13A Dickinson Avenue, Nyack, NY.
RACIAL EQUITY PLAN - Click here to access the full plan: STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EXCELLENCE THROUGH RACIAL EQUITY PLAN. We believe that all children are born with sufficient innate ability to achieve school tasks, and that it is our ethical and moral responsibility to ensure our school district provides an optimal learning environment that meets the needs of all students regardless of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, first language, religion, national origin, age or differently-abled. Visit our Equity, Inclusion & Innovation Office page.
TECHNOLOGY PLAN - We are committed to a learning experience where students have individual access to technology during the entire school day and, for some students, during after school hours. Visit our Technology Department page.
K-12 GUIDANCE PLAN - Our schools offer individual counseling for academic and social adjustment, program scheduling, post high school preparation and career guidance. Conferences can be arranged with teachers, administrators, school psychologists, social workers, nurses and the school/community counselor. Parents are encouraged to meet with counselors to discuss their child's progress and to attend pertinent evening meetings as well. To arrange a meeting, call the Guidance Office at 845-353-7220. Visit our Elementary Guidance Office page; Middle School Guidance Office page; and High School Guidance Office page.
COMMUNICATIONS PLAN - We envision an informed and engaged community supported by a network of relationships; built on transparency and integrity; committed to the longevity and sustainability of anti-racist work; in accountability to anti-racist principles. Visit the PR & Communications Office page.
- Facebook: @nyackschools - https://www.facebook.com/nyackschools
- Instagram: @nyackschools - https://www.instagram.com/nyackschools/
TRANSLATION SERVICES AVAILABLE: Click on the Language Button at the top of each home page for immediate translation in almost 100 languages. Contact your Family Resource Center or Community Liaison listed on the back of the District calendar for more information.
- Si le hace falta información traducida en español, llame a Yesenia Polanco 353-7042.
- Si ou bezwen enfòmasyon tradui an kreyòl, rele Jocelyne Abraham nan 353-7044.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT in the schools is encouraged on all levels. Community members are invited to join shared decision-making teams at the school and District level, as well as to share their talents and experiences with our students. Input is welcomed at bimonthly public Board meetings where a there is a designated time included on the agenda for citizens' proposals, questions and concerns.
FACILITIES USAGE Indoor and outdoor facilities may be used by civic and community groups. Fees, when applicable, are predetermined. Call 353-7033 for details or email facilities@nyackschools.org with specific questions.
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES are held formally twice a year at the elementary schools and once a year at the Middle and High Schools, as listed in the District Calendar. During conferences teachers report on a child's academic progress, and social development. Parents are urged to attend and share information about their child in order to promote better understanding of the student. Additional conferences may be scheduled, as needed.
RECORDS AND RIGHTS: The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) acknowledges parents’ right to know what appears in their child’s educational records. Records are available through school principals or the Guidance Office. Parents have the right to challenge record information, to place a written rebuttal in the file and to exercise some control over disclosure of records. In accordance with these rights, the Nyack Public Schools will not disclose information from students' records without prior written request of a parent or eligible (18 or over) student, except as permitted by law. A record of requests for information disclosures is maintained and may be seen by those eligible. Anyone seeking to change a record or see the complete Privacy Act should contact the Superintendent's Office.
VISIT Let's Talk! with your questions, comments, concerns or suggestions.