Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi's Leadership Vision Presentation from TUES. JAN. 14 Special BOE Meeting is posted here for the community to view.
Click here to view the slide presentation: 1-14-25 Leadership Vision/2025 In Focus
Click here to view the slide presentation: 1-14-25 Leadership Vision/2025 In Focus
Visit our REGISTRATION page for more information and necessary papers for school registration and UPK.
December 10, 2024
Dear Nyack Public Schools Community and Staff,
We would like to update the community on the Superintendent selection process and as the Board of Education, we are pleased to announce Dr. Lizzette Ruiz-Giovinazzi as our final choice for the Superintendent position for Nyack Public Schools. This decision has been carefully determined through a confidential and thorough process that we strongly believe has resulted in identifying the best candidate to lead the school community forward. We are confident that Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi’s leadership, vision, characteristics and proven expertise is what is right for Nyack now.
We want to provide context for why our process that culminated in this determination has been different from previous superintendent selection processes. In reflecting on our past external, competitive searches, we recognize that the results were not what we expected and did not result in long term retention of previous superintendents. Therefore, we knew we wanted to do things differently.
Over the past six months, we have consulted with an external search firm, multiple local BOCES who have assisted with local searches, and heard about internal-focused searches from NY State and school boards nationwide. We have listened to unsolicited input from many stakeholders. Ultimately, we decided to focus on Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi in her concurrent, critical responsibilities as Interim Superintendent and we as the BOE:
We have concluded that as Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi has actively engaged with an expansive variety of community leaders, inclusive to the great diversity of groups and stakeholders among us, she has earned widespread praise for her communication, accessibility, student-centered approach and leadership in education.
Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi holds an earned doctorate, a distinction achieved by fewer than 44% of superintendents in New York State. Prior to her current role as District Interim Superintendent, Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi served as the district’s Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction since beginning her work with us in April of 2022. She was appointed as Interim Superintendent most recently in July of 2024. She has quickly proven her ability to lead and uplift others with her unique set of skills and dedication to Nyack’s mission and vision. Her familiarity with the district’s culture, students, and families positions her to continue fostering progress without delay.
We invite the community to hear about Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi’s leadership vision and participate by asking questions of their own on January 14, 2025 at 6:30pm during a Special BOE Meeting. For additional information about this selection process, timeline, rationale and desired characteristics, please visit the district website’s BOE Update Page. We would like to thank the school community for your partnership and wish you much health and happiness during this holiday season.
The Nyack Schools Board of Education
View the pdf: 2024-25 District Calendar
- Juneteenth is Thursday, June 19 and SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED (not Friday, June 20th).
- The last day of school is Friday, June 27
- Elementary Schools will close at the following times the last two days of school:
Thursday, June 26 at 11:45AM
Friday, June 27th at 10AM
- The Calendar at a Glance has the correct dates
"Collectively as a Nyack Public Schools team, we are ready. RedHawk Ready: Remember, Refresh, Reunify is the guiding theme for 2024-25. We reflect on our past, rejuvenate our strategies, and unite as a community with priority to support each and every one of our students." - Interim Superintendent Dr. Lizzette Ruiz-Giovinazzi
What does it mean to be #RedHawkReady? RedHawks distinguishing qualities define, differentiate us and resonate deeply with our Nyack Public Schools identity:
Strength: The Redhawk's power symbolizes the district's resilience and determination to overcome challenges
Brilliance: The Redhawk's brilliance mirrors the district's pursuit of excellence in education.
July 23, 2024
Dear Families, Staff and School Community,
We hope you are enjoying your summertime, finding ways to keep cool and stay healthy. We want to provide an update regarding the Office of the Superintendent for Nyack Public Schools.
As your Board of Education, we want to make decisions that support renewed vision for our schools and foster healing for the community we serve. We are working together to navigate through this time of significant transition. Our collective focus is to stabilize the district and secure key leadership for the new school year.
With this in mind, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Lizzette Ruiz-Giovinazzi as Interim Superintendent of Nyack Public Schools.
Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi brings a unique combination of expertise in transformative leadership and doctoral research in cultivating resilience with over twenty eight years of experience in teaching and school administration. She has demonstrated strength of character with a proven track record of educational excellence within our own district, having made a positive impact since she began her tenure with us two and a half years ago as Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. She has met the challenges of this past year, bridging trust across relationships with district-wide staff, providing professional development and purposeful programming, stepping up to give administrative support that teachers, directors and principals needed. We are confident in her commitment, distinctive skills and instinctive response to uplift our students, staff and schools.
Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi will continue to work closely with a dedicated team of administrators and central office staff to unify organizational leadership and prepare for the opening of schools on September 3rd. Priority is being placed on securing key administration positions, onboarding new administrators and cabinet members, creating a leadership plan and helping to ensure our staff and schools are READY to begin the new 2024-25 school year.
We will keep the community updated with next steps as the school year progresses. Thank you for your partnership in strengthening our resolve for equity, innovation and optimism in Nyack Public Schools.
Jen Marraccino, Board President
Benny Vásquez, Board Vice President
Jessica Goodman, Board Secretary
Bryan Burrell, Trustee
Michael Mark, Trustee
Elaine Philhower, Trustee
Matt Watson, Trustee
Please refer to our District Registration quick link: https://www.nyackschools.org/registration
Our District Registrar's Office is open during the summer, Monday through Thursday from 8am to 4pm to receive documentation or make appointments.
RedHawk Ready for 2024-25: We remember, refresh and reunify with the "why" we do what we do in Nyack Public Schools for each child to receive what they need to succeed. The Board of Education and administration stand committed to achieving the District’s racial equity goal of creating a District-wide and building-based climate and culture that demands and supports systemic equity and improved student achievement for every student, while narrowing the predictable gap in measurable outcomes. (Policy 0105)
What does it mean to be #RedHawkReady? RedHawks distinguishing qualities define, differentiate us and resonate deeply with the identity of the Nyack School District:
We are RedHawk Ready: Uplifting each other as we raise children in Nyack Public Schools with equity, innovation and optimism.
We are Uniquely-Nyack: Defined by a proud history that guides a moral imperative towards providing the best multi-cultural, anti-racist, equity-driven education for our children that we can.
We are Nyack-Strong: Representing a microcosm of the United States that is reflected in our diverse demographics and multi-cultural values celebrated across the Nyacks and Valley Cottage.
Stay connected with us: Mark your calendars with important information and events that will keep you and your family engaged in your child’s education.